Fun: IRON BABY parody

By Guest Writer /

This morning I woke up to this fantastic viral video of Iron Baby, a parody of Iron Man that was directed by Patrick Boivin, a self-taught filmmaker and former comic book creator from Montreal. The movie stars Margaret, Boivin's own daughter, in the lead role. Creepy or cute? Personally I think it's very clever and most definitely cute, it almost makes me want one... maybe not. If Robert Downey Jr. ever gets fed up of Tony Stark then at least Marvel have a younger and cheaper option although we're not sure the fans will be too keen on a Iron Man that goes by the name of Margaret. Costing virtually nothing, it took Boivin and 3-D artist Jocelyn Strob Simard two months to make the clip, which shows Margaret's transformation from toddler to superhero and has received 3.2 million hits on YouTube so far. A hit on YouTube has meant that Boivin has apparently had offers from Hollywood film producers. If this is true, we're not surprised. We know it's a baby, but baby aside, the video is brilliant, especially the Iron Man costume effects.