Game News: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Delayed... Again.

By Paul Tamburro /

Fifteen years. FIFTEEN YEARS. That's how long we've been waiting for a true successor to Duke Nukem 3D. Unfortunately we're now going to have to wait a little longer, as it has been announced that the upcoming Duke Nukem Forever's long awaited release has been pushed back a month to June 10th internationally and June 14th for those of you in North America. It would be level-headed at this point to state that developers Gearbox Software should take whatever extra time they need in order to ensure the quality of such a highly-anticipated title. However, my patience has somewhat dwindled since 1996, and upon being notified of the delay this afternoon it has taken an hitherto unused amount of will power to prevent me from bludgeoning myself to death with my Kinect motion sensor. This is what we've been reduced to in 2011, Duke. Where have you been? It's commonplace in this day and age for developers to alter a release date 2-3 times before the game actually ships, so we'll let Gearbox off the hook a little. Unfortunately, inFamous 2 drops just 3 days before Duke's comeback, which spells bad news for Sucker Punch's sequel. It's unlikely that they'll be able to withstand the might of Nukem, and must surely be hoping that gamers have enough cash to blow on two triple-A titles come June. We're skeptical. Nevertheless, here's a cheerful Randy Pitchford telling us the bad news;