Gary Oldman Reveals The Dark Knight Rises Emotional Scene

Potential SPOILERS in this article for those who are concerned about hearing plot points for this summer's blockbuster...

By Matt Holmes /

Potential SPOILERS in this article for those who are concerned about hearing plot points for this summer's blockbuster... Gary Oldman has teased to Collider about an 'emotional scene' that will take place in The Dark Knight Rises that he claims will blow audiences away, possibly even to tears. Speaking at his film retrospective at New York's Landmark Sunshine Cinema during a Q & A session, Oldman revealed his favourite scene from his final Batman movie;
€œThere€™s an emotional scene coming up in the next Batman, which I am obviously, absolutely sworn to secrecy about€ They would kill me. Well, I€™d do the press junket and then they€™d kill me.€ He said, €œWatching Michael Caine work, as Alfred, was a great lesson for me. Just focus, concentration. He has this emotional scene. I€™m kidding you not. It was tears and the whole thing. And it€™s €˜Take 1.€™ (Oldman snaps his fingers) He got it. €˜Take 2€ (snaps his fingers again), Got it. Take 3 (snaps his fingers) Got it. He€™s just on the money. Every single time.
Of course there have been lots and lots of rumours about the eventual fate of some of the major characters of the Batman universe going into Christopher Nolan's final chapter. We have already seen Oldman's Commissioner Gordon himself in hospital and looking the worst for wear, and of course the full-length second trailer involves a tease of Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne needing a walking stick to get around (comic fans can probably easily guess why) and there have been rumours about other characters. Michael Caine is a wonderful actor, obviously. Every time he speaks in these Batman movies, whether to give a monologue of advice or to tell one of his great stories, he hits the correct emotional resonance note every time. It was one of Nolan's smartest ever moves to make him Alfred. In the trailer when we hear him say, his voice breaking... €œYou are as precious to me as you were to your own mother and father. I swore to them that I would protect you€and I haven€™t.€ Who else didn't get a lump in their throat at that moment? Could that be the scene Oldman is talking about or is there more to come? We'll find July 20th, 2012 when The Dark Knight Rises hits theaters.