Good News, Spider-Man Spin-Off Venom Will Be A Sci-Fi Horror

There's hope yet for Sony's stand-alone...

By Simon Gallagher /


When Alien-a-like sci-fi horror Life was revealed recently, it inspired a fan theory that it was actually a backdoor origin story for Venom, because of perceived narrative similarities. The reality, inevitably, is that that was no more than wishful thinking, because the property lends itself so well to that sort of genre approach, and now it seems there's confirmation that that's exactly what we're going to get.


According to a production listing on My Entertainment World, Sony's spin-off - which won't be linked to the MCU in any way (sadly) - will be an action sci-fi horror. That revelation is as exciting as it is unexpected - though inevitably you have to take it with a pinch of salt at this stage.

The idea of a Venom film that approaches the Symbiote story in a similar way to Alien or Event Horizon is a great one, not only because it suits the character but also because it distinguishes the film so well from the MCU. It wouldn't necessarily even need to be a comic book movie, and could simply be a space-set horror that sees the initial discovery of Venom before it comes to Earth and infects recognisable comic book characters.


It was initially a difficult pill to swallow, given the distance from the MCU and Tom Holland's excellent Spider-Man, but hopefully Sony can offer something different enough to make it work. And if it does, who is to say Marvel won't then use Venom in a future MCU film that doesn't need to entirely discard this new origin?

The listing also suggests Venom will shoot this Autumn, which fits with the release of next October. Are you excited to see it? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.
