Greatest Movie Scenes #52 - THE BIRDS

This week's scene is pure Hitchcock who masterfully creates suspense by having the viewer see and feel the danger before our lead character. That song the children are signing to is expertly chosen to crank up the tension even further.

By Matt Holmes /

The Birds has never been my favourite Alfred Hitchcock film but that probably says more for how highly I regard his other masterpieces as for most directors, The Birds would easily be the best movie on their filmography. I think the reason it's never been my favourite is that the film is a little one-dimensional compared to something like Vertigo, Rear Window or Psycho and was never as outlandishly fun as North by Northwest, Strangers on a Train or The 39 Steps. However, truth be told, as the years go by and the more I watch and re-watch it, the film is really growing on me and it's lack of a cookie-cutter explanation of moral reasoning, is to the movie's credit. This week's scene is pure Hitchcock who masterfully creates suspense by having the viewer see and feel the danger before our lead character. That song the children are signing to is expertly chosen to crank up the tension even further.


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