Green Lantern Corps Delayed By Warner Bros.

Is it bravery or stupidity?

By Simon Gallagher /

DC Comics

Has no-one learned anything about releasing competitor films right around Marvel releases? Already we've seen Batman v Superman AND now X-Men: Apocalypse suffer by proximity (not necessarily in terms of numbers, but because critics and fans cannot help an easy binary), and there's that suggestion that Marvel will be out to GET you if you dare try and compete.


Okay, so that last bit is hokum, but there will be DC fans reading this already smashing their fists into the comments because Marvel were mentioned in the first sentence. But it's a pertinent mention, because DC and Warner Bros have now shifted another of their movies directly into a competing slot with a thus far unnamed Marvel movie.

Green Lantern Corps was initially slated for June 19th, 2020 and will now land on July 24th, just two weeks after one of Marvel's mysterious two untitled movies. It's either extremely brave, or extremely silly and invites undue pressure. Of course, DC fans will say that the studio shouldn't be planning their release slates with anyone else in mind, but ignoring competition is a pretty simple way to affect your box office take negatively.


Perhaps they've just heard what the Marvel movie in that slot is and know they can beat it?

Warner Bros also announced that they have an event movie coming on December 25th 2018 - putting it in competition with Han Solo, the animated Spider-Man movie and another live-action Disney. Godzilla 2 has also now moved from June 8th to March 22nd March, 2019 and Godzilla vs Kong will be coming May 29th, 2020.


Are you happy with the slate change around? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.