Gremlins Reboot?

By Matt Aspin /

OH NO! Somebody didn't read the warning label on all those 1980's classics and fed them after midnight! That's right folks, those not so loveable little creatures known as the Gremlins are set for a big screen comeback, according to a report at Vulture. There have been several attempts at Gremlins sequels and reboots in recent years but these have all been nixed by the original two movies producer Stephen Spielberg. However, Spielberg's Amblin Entertainment have reportedly entered into talks with Warner Bros this week over a new film in what are mysteriously being described as very early discussions. No word yet on whether the original's director Joe Dante is planning to be involved. At this stage it is unclear what those talks will entail and whether the Internet is simply jumping the gun yet again as nothing has officially been confirmed. But nothing has been denied either. One thing is pretty sure though, the movie would almost definitely be a remake as surely too many years have passed since the original sequel for it to make sense to do a direct third instalment. For the remaining fans that aren't out rioting in the streets as another 80's gem gets the remake treatment, there's only one request we'd like to make: Please Mr Spielberg, avoid CGI at all costs! Thanks. So, how do you feel about this potential news? Is there room for a Gremlins reboot? Will a remake damage the original? Are we getting our knickers in a twist over nothing AGAIN? Have your say below.