Guardians Of The Galaxy 2: Star-Lord's Big Secret Revealed?

Peter Quill's father has been unveiled.

By Simon Gallagher /

Want to know a massive secret? Like, "where is Luke Skywalker" big? Well, you're in for a treat. The self-proclaimed king of scoops has apparently done it again. After years of EXHAUSTIVE sleuthing, and an investigation that he makes sound like Watergate, Umberto "El Mayimbe" Gonzalez has found out who Peter Quill AKA Star-Lord's father is. That was one of the big secrets of James Gunn's brilliant original (along with how holding hands can somehow resist the power of a world ending mystical heavy weapon), and the sequel was all set to offer an answer. Now though, Gonzalez has beaten them to the punch, saying he has the right to reveal the secret because it's a big one, which is some sort of logic. So who is it? Captain Mavel, of course. No, not the blonde female version who is getting her own movie when Marvel stop shifting her down Phase 3, but the first character to carry the mantle, a Kree superhero who transmits his powers to Carol Danvers when the pair are caught in an explosion, turning her into Ms Marvel. She later became the Captain after the original - whose name was Mar-Vell - died of cancer. Inevitably, the scoop comes with the fore-warning that Marvel will deny it, which is somewhat inevitable, but it's certainly an intriguing prospect. And Gonzalez does say he's had it verified by four different sources. So what does that revelation mean for Guardians 2? Well, presumably it means the Kree are going to appear en masse after Ronan set the way; it means we'll probably get to see Captain Marvel's origin; and it means Carol Danvers will presumably appear (so maybe there'll be an Earth-set sequence). All good things, particularly as it felt like Captain Marvel was being shunted away out of sight. This of course is still only rumour, but it would fit, particularly if Gunn's script ties Quill's mother's death into Mar-Vell's on-page death from cancer as some sort of genetic timebomb that it ultimately turns out Star-Lord zapped when he touched the Infinity Stone. His super genes would definitely help explain why he wasn't exploded into a million pieces when he did that. And of course, the link between Star-Lord and Captain Marvel could give the Guardians a reason to appear alongside the Avengers in the Infinity War films. So there are a lot of reasons to want this to be true. Watch Gonzalez's announcement video here. Are you happy with the revelation? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.