Hal Jordan comes from Starfleet?

By Matt Holmes /

Has the new Captain Kirk, Californian born actor Chris Pine already made plans to avoid being pigeon holed in one iconic role like William Shatner's whole career? Is Chris Pine desperate to show, kinda like what Christian Bale is doing right now that playing one icon, shouldn't automatically put you out of the running for another? IESB carry word from sources within Warner Bros. that Pine is being lined up to play Hal Jordan when GREEN LANTERN begins filming this September, under the director of Martin Campbell (CASINO ROYALE, THE MASK OF ZORRO). Pine, 28 years old, fits perfectly into the "late 20's" category we have been hearing so much about from WB and although maybe slightly smaller built than in the comics, his face is a good match for LANTERN. But do we really know he can act yet? Sure he was fun playing one of the Tremor Brothers in SMOKIN' ACES and yeah, so here's done a few rom-com's here and there... but so what? What counts will be what is on the screen in May when STAR TREK opens worldwide. Let's allow him to convince us he can lead the Enterprise before anyone seriously thinks about offering him the power ring.
