Halloween: Ranking Every Movie From Worst To Best

How does Halloween 2018 compare to Michael Myers' other outings?

By William Jones /

The time is finally upon us, boys and girls.


After years of false starts and failed pitches, there is finally a new Halloween film in theaters this weekend, with the release of Blumhouse's Halloween. Nicely coinciding with the original film's fortieth anniversary, the release of this film is a perfect time for reflection upon the series as a whole.

Between eleven films and six (!?!) different timelines of continuity, Michael Myers has remained a near-present force in the landscape of horror cinema over the past four decades. In fact, the longest period of time the franchise has ever gone without releasing a film was nine years, and that drought was between 2009's Halloween II and this new film.

There have been some pretty miraculous highs and some unbelievably depressing lows over the years, and with the benefit of hindsight, we can look back and decipher which films are worth the watch and which ones are better left in the bargain bin.

11. Halloween: Resurrection (2002)

The Halloween franchise has been filled with some unbearable lows, but easily the worst of the bunch is the early 2000s atrocity that is Halloween: Resurrection.


In following up the financial success of Halloween H20, producers the Weinsteins and the Akkads were eager to get another installment out sooner rather than later. It wound up taking them four years but not for lack of trying. After spitballing several different takes on where the story could go, they settled on the only logical answer: a reality show.

This film centers entirely around a reality show run by Busta Rhymes and Tyra Banks called Dangertainmnet, which decides to film a Halloween episode in the old Myers house. With cameras set up everywhere, they proceed to unleash a team of unwitting strangers into the house where, inevitably, things go wrong and the real Michael shows up.

This film is absolutely hated by fans for being the one that unceremoniously killed off Jamie Lee Curtis' Laurie Strode (she dies in the first five minutes of the film) and for having Busta Rhymes defeat Michael with kung fu in the finale, but it's so much worse than even that reputation would suggest.

It's nonsensical, idiotic, ugly to look at, and flat-out unwatchable at times.
