Has the plot for TOY STORY 3 leaked?

By Matt Holmes /

The Wall Street Journal says the plot for TOY STORY 3 will go something like this...

In Pixar's coming movie "Toy Story 3," Woody the cowboy and his toy-box friends are dumped in a day-care center after their owner, Andy, leaves for college.
Wait a second - wasn't that the plot for TOY STORY 2 - Wasn't the themes of that brilliant sequel about growing out of toys and getting dumped by the ones you love when you grow older? Speaking of old. Doesn't it make you feel old now that Andy is going off to college? The kids grow up fast these days! TOY STORY 3 will be directed by Lee Unrick (co-director of TOY STORY 2) and is written by Academy Award winning LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE scribe Michael Arndt, with the big two - Tom Hanks and Tim Allen (Woody & Buzz, of course!) the only actors as yet signed for the movie. The film will be released in the summer of 2010 (not as long away as it sounds guy) right after Disney Pixar re-release TOY STORY (October 2nd 2009) and TOY STORY 2 (June 10th 2010) in Digital 3-D, and with that kind of marketing (i.e. getting another set of young kids interested in the franchise) the third feature is guaranteed to make ASTRONOMICAL box office Gold. And for my two cents. If the film is equally as good as the last two - then it will be cap off the most perfect trilogy of all time. LOTR, THE MATRIX, ALIEN, TERMINATOR, SPIDER-MAN and STAR WARS never had three knock-outs. No pressure then guys! source - /film
