Hold up, Michael Bay wants time off before TRANSFORMERS 3!!!
UPDATED: Michael Bay needs time off (it's my opinion that Paramount have announced a possible big movie that they MIGHT be releasing in 2011 just to stop other studios taking that date. If it's not going be TRANSFORMERS 3, it will be something else... and I can't imagine they would drop Bay to rush a third movie out by another director). Bay on his forums...
I said I was taking off a year from Transformers. Paramount made a mistake in dating Transformers 3 - they asked me on the phone - I said yes to July 4 - but for 2012 - whoops! Not 2011!!! That would mean I would have to start prep in September. No way. My brain needs a break from fighting robots. -- MichaelDreamworks and Paramount have almost found their own version of the SPIDER-MAN and James Bond franchises, more specifically the latter as they are forging ahead with a movie every two years at this rate. Before even the release of TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN and well before anyone had even thought about a third movie, the studio's have gone ahead and staked July 1st. 2011 as their release date for TRANSFORMERS 3.