Hollywood Can't Stop Making Mark Millar Movies - Empress Is Next

"Part Star Wars, part Guardians Of The Galaxy..."

By Simon Gallagher /


There's nobody in the comics universe that Hollywood seems to love more than Mark Millar. The genius behind the Civil War arc has so far seen Wanted, Kick-Ass and Kick-Ass all adapted (with sequels for all three either already released or announced and forthcoming), and his Superman: Red Son was made into a TV series, but that's only a tiny part of the story.


According to various reports over the years, pretty much every one of Millar's major comic book releases has been at one point optioned or considered for adaptation. Fox initially had the rights to Nemesis (but ultimately passed with Warner Bros circling) and continue to have them for Superior, and Sony picked up the option for Chosen (Millar's "sequel to the Bible) but dropped it and War Heroes, which they apparently still have.

Not even a week ago, the rights for American Jesus (of which Chosen is a part) and Supercrooks were picked up by Waypoint Entertainment. It's like anything with Millar's name on is golden and fast-tracked for filmic adaptation.


The same now goes for Empress, Millar's self-professed "most ambitious work", which follows the wife of a Galactic dictator who flees from her evil husband with their kids, much to his anger. The first issue only came out in April, and while it sold out, it's a bold move to option something this quickly.

Millar will partner with producers Joe Roth and Jeff Kirschenbaum, and the screenwriting job is being eyed for xXx: The Return Of Xander's F. Scott Frazier. Millar meanwhile has been teasing the lead casting on Twitter for a while...


The scarf coming off wasn't a great help, as it happens...


Kirschenbaum bigged up the comic to THR: €œNobody creates universes that translate into big movie ideas better than Millar. With Empress, he€™s raised the bar yet again. Part Star Wars, part Guardians of the Galaxy and part something wholly fresh that only the amazing brain of Millar could spawn.€


What do you think? Are you excited to see another Mark Millar property developed for the big screen? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.