I Am Legend trailer attached with Ocean's Thirteen

By Matt Holmes /

Will Smith is a great action star. I make no apologies for the fact that I have no interest in seeing him try to win Oscars win The Pursuit of Happyness. Instead, I wanna see him fight off robots, or aliens or even vampires. I don't really care how good he was in "Happyness" and yes I will see it eventually but I just wanna see Smith do what he does best. Just like I always hunt out for movies where Christopher Lee plays a villain... that's just what he does and he is damn entertaining doing it. So this Christmas, Smith will star in the big action/sci-fi movie I Am Legend based on the idea that Smith's character is the last man alive who every night must fend off an army of blood thirsty vampires. It's one of my most anticipated movies of the latter part of the year and news today from Collider through Slash Film is that the first trailer for the movie will be attached to Ocean's Thirteen which is released the weekend after next. Don't worry though, you won't have to sit through another Ocean's adventure to see the trailer, it will of course premiere online a few days earlier.