I guess we should talk about LET THE RIGHT ONE IN!

By Matt Holmes /

A universal strangehold grasped movie websites towards the end of last week and truly didn't let go. It was the Sweedish Vampire flick LET THE RIGHT ONE IN which has their all exasperated. Every critic it seems has spurted out "BEST FILM OF 2008" during their review, geniunely exicted to have stumbled across a really great film. On Thursday, Quint at AICN called it "a damn near perfect film" after it screened at Fantastic Fest. Peter Sciretta of /Film called it a "must see". After a brief google search, it seems Cinematical were hailing the film as "the sickest and sweetest horror movie in a decade" as early as April this year. All you need to know (apparently the movie works best when you know very little about it) is that it's a vampire flick which has some romance and shares similar themes with TWILIGHT. That's it, that's all you need. So, when can we see it, you ask? It would appear Magnet Releasing are set to release the film on DVD on March 10th 2009 but before that it will get a limited theatre run from October 24th in New York and L.A. before expanding somewhat afterwards. As the movie is a Magnet release... which is a subsidary of Magnolia... it will probably play at all Landmark Theatres as Magnolia have a working relationship with them. Of course like any good foreign horror, the remake rights were sewn up a while ago. Hammer Films and Spitfire Pictures paid seven figures for the English-language rights and hope to have the film in the can by 2010. If you wanna see this movie, my advice would be to regularly check your small time theatres to see if they try and sneak it in their. source - /film
