I like a studio that learns from it's mistakes. SPIDEY 4 & 5 back-to-back?

James Vanderbilt has turned in a 2 arc storyline which should cover the next TWO Spider-Man movies.

By Matt Holmes /

Spider-Man 3 wasn't so far terrible that the series involving our web slinging superhero is not unsalvagable just yet and if today's news scoop from Cinematical is anything to go by then it's early signs that Sony/Columbia have learnt from their mistakes. After over-indulging at least two or maybe three films worth of story and plot in the last Spidey flick, the new series screenwriter James Vanderbilit (Zodiac, Basic) has wisely last week turned in a two film storyline arc to the studio for Spider-Man 4 which can be shot back to back with Spider-Man 5. It's a move that has no doubt delighted Sony and Columbia because of course it means one extra movie and twice the cash for the small work of shooting back to back. And when Spider-Man 3 made $890 million worldwide - you are talking about a move which will eventually see you earn nearly another $1 billion. There's of course another big factor which is beneficial by this move. Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst aren't getting any younger, Peter Parker is not quite like Bruce Wayne... there's only so long that Maguire can go around convincing us he's still a young man. Shooting these films back to back mean you have two more movies whilst Maguire is still young. Of course we should point out that at this stage it's all just in the negotiations stage. As is the involvement of director Sam Raimi, who won't commit until he has read the script and is assured of 100% full control this time. Any ideas on what the story arc could be? I would think we have to see The Lizard this time around and Dr. Curt Connors slow transformation could be something that slowly explored could work out well (think Two-Face). I've already put my hat in the ring believing the Kraven's Last Hunt storyline would be pretty spectacular on film. Another idea I've quite liked is using Bruce Campbell for Mysterio and possibly incorporating the Sinister Six somehow - though at this point I will settle for a film that doesn't go heavy handed on the Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson relationship.
