"I say that when James Bond does it, it's not illegal!" - Morgan writes BOND 23!

By Matt Holmes /

A press release sent out literally a few hours ago reports that screenwriter Peter Morgan (Frost/Nixon, The Queen, The Damned United) will join the current James Bond writing team of Neal Purvis and Robert Wade who have brought us the last four movies in the series, going all the way back to The World is Not Enough in 1999. It's the first real annoucement we have had for the new James Bond movie since Quantum of Solace opened last October to a very mixed response, though critics mostly enjoyed it. Personally I dug the hell out of QOS, certainly the most kick-ass Bond movie of all time. It threw out the formula, brought back a sense of THE NOW to Bond movies and was quick, fast and exhilarating. It cut out the fat and drudge that we didn't need to see from this series anymore, and actually carried on an interesting story from the last film where things matter... Bond has to live with the consequences of his actions. He doesn't get a clean slate everytime a new Bond song opens the credits. The pain of his past now haunts him, and any mistakes or carelessness he makes could be tragic (death of Fields in the last movie being the prime example). Sure it wasn't a perfect movie but Marc Foster made a film that stands out as a singular personal vision. It was ambitious and mostly succeeded in what it tried to do, and I will never talk down about a film that at least tried to be epic. The next James Bond movie, probably to be released in just under 16 months time, will be the 23rd in the franchise and will once again star Daniel Craig as 007 in what I believe is the third of his current 4 movie deal (at least that's how I remember it in my head). We can pretty much guarantee we will see Moneypenny this time, perhaps with the emergence of Q? But which country, which exotic location, what will the plot be? Will Bond actually make it to America in this one following Felix or how about some action in London perhaps? How about Tokoyo, Australia, Paris? Would they use parts of Devil May Care? Will they hire a top director like Chris Nolan, Quentin Tarantino, Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese? Would they Kill Bond off? Will Blofeld be this "higher power" villain of this network that Bond is taking vengeance upon? Will we see a shoe throwing, shark obsessed, metal jawed villain? Have I gone completely insane with my suggestions?
