If you have read INGLORIOUS BASTARDS script, this will excite you...

By Matt Holmes /

If you haven't, it won't be a big deal. This is the farmhouse from the soon to be filming Quentin Tarantino WW-II movie INGLORIOUS BASTARDS, which is used in the film's memorable opening scene... The scene that I believe Quentin wrote because it's been itching away at him for years that the greatest minutes of film he ever wrote, weren't filmed by him but instead by Tony Scott. This is his attempt to top his own "Sicillian Scene" from TRUE ROMANCE. Quentin seems to have cast the majority of his movie and his ambitious attempt to get the movie into Cannes next Spring, is well under-way. Looks like the movie is keeping the dodgy spelling too, thanks to Quentin Tarantino Archives for the pics... Quentin's epic masterpiece stars Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz, Diane Kruger, Melanie Laurent, B.J. Novak, Michael Fassbender, Eli Roth, Mike Myers, Samm Levine and MORE. via - /film
