Independence Day 2 Has Just Tried To Copy James Bond

Turns out the sequel's called Resurgence.

By Alex Leadbeater /

Late last year there was a special event where the title and cast of Bond 24 were revealed, officially kicking off Spectre's hype machine. Roland Emmerich was clearly one of the many watching that live stream, because he's just repeated the same trick for the Independence Day Sequel to remind everyone this film's in production. What he's missed is that with 007 the cast were mostly unconfirmed and there was a genuine excitement over finding out more about the movie. Despite a very long synopsis, everyone know's this film is just going to be "The Aliens Come Back". Oh well, at least we finally get a title for the film; Independence Day: Resurgence. That's a bit better than ID4Ever (yes, that was seriously suggested for a while). Disappointment with this publicity stunt aside, it is nice to see movies embracing things like live feeds to directly engage with the online audience. When Marvel and DC movies essentially get this for free, the rest of the pack need to step up and offer some solid competition. Can it just be a bit less pomp and a bit more substance in future? Independence Day: Resurgence will be out in just over a year, on June 24th, 2016. Anybody else think they've got a bit confused there?