Independence Day: Resurgence Trailer Looks Very Serious

This is a thing that exists.

By Dan Woburn /

20th Century Fox have dropped the trailer for their Independence Day sequel over the weekend, appropriately subtitled €˜Resurgence€™. Overall I was surprised at its classiness and how seriously they've approached the idea of a sequel; if there's one thing that's missing, it's a funny bone, but I'm sure the final film will have enough humour for fans of the original. I€™m sure you€™re all ever-so-slightly intrigued, so take a look below€


I may have spoken too soon about how serious the trailer is, considering we do see Jeff Goldblum and Liam Hemsworth going for a moonwalk.

Although Will Smith€™s absence leaves a gaping hole of obviousness square in the middle of it, there€™s enough of a nostalgia trip here to interest folks. At the very least, we€™ve got Jeff Goldblum back, who has never been averse to taking centre stage for sequels to his popular back-catalogue.


The spectacle here looks more than solid, which is unsurprising, as it's always been one of Roland Emmerich's strong points.

Personally, I'm up for it. There are probably going to be worse ways to spend two hours next summer. Like Gods of Egypt (which ironically feels like it should've been an Emmerich picture).


Ultimately Independence Day: Resurgence will likely get lost in the cavalcade of next summer€™s blockbusters, but there remains the opportunity for it to surprise people in terms of both quality and box office. Heck, if it does well enough, we might even get Will Smith back for a third one.

Independence Day: Resurgence is released on 24 June 2016.
