Indiana Jones IV's official title revealed!

It's not Indiana Jones and the City of Gods. It's from one of those six previously announced working titles. AND it's really crappy...

By Matt Holmes /

six working titles previously mentioned and that's Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Sounds like the kind of title that would be put on the end of National Treasure doesn't it? Or maybe on the end of a He-Man movie. Shia LaBeouf is the one who has spilled the beans according to AICN. He was on MTV and just blurted it out and whilst some thought it was simply a joke, an official statement soon went up on the official website that it was indeed the real title of the movie. So what exactly is a Crystal Skull? Well let me tell you... A crystal skull is a model of a human skull made out of clear Quartz Crystal which legend says there are only 13 of in the world. Only five of these have been found and of course it's believed they carry mystical powers by some. Although scientific tests say otherwise, many people believe these skulls when held will make the occupant feel happy and alive, and is also said to heal.

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How will this incorporate into the film, I'm not sure... but it would certainly indicate that these skulls are now the prize that Indiana Jones is chasing. IESB go a little further...
The crystal skulls turn out to be alien skulls, underneath a Mayan or Aztec pyramid that takes off and thus reveals itself to be a mothership of sorts.
Aliens. Are we back to that again? Guess we have to hold tight, wait and hope this all makes sense by May of next year!