Interview: Emma Bell on THE WALKING DEAD Season 1

By Harry Roth /

With Season 1 of AMC€™s hit zombie TV series The Walking Dead hitting shelves this month on DVD and Blu-Ray, I was lucky enough to have a bit of a chin-wag with the charming Emma Bell, who plays Amy in the show. It was definitely an informal phone conversation more than an interview which hopefully comes through and I went for some light-hearted questions to throw at Miss. Bell and she was very cool with her responses. Enjoy! OWF: In The Walking Dead your character Amy, along with the other survivors, finds herself in a pretty extreme life or death situation. How would Emma Bell react in a similar situation?
Emma Bell: You know, I think Amy is really close to who I am. I tend to be a bit more emotional like Amy, and I think if I had my older sister there I would definitely rely on her like Amy does. Though I think if I was in that situation, I would be much more aware of the dangers and would be able to protect myself better than Amy does.
OWF: If you could choose to play the part of one of the other characters in The Walking Dead who would you choose?
Emma Bell: Ah, interesting question. We€™re all really good friends on the show so I don€™t think that he€™ll get mad at me for saying this, but I would definitely take Steven Yeun€™s part of Glen. I think he€™s so cool, he€™s funny, he€™s a survivor and I think he has some of the best lines in the show. It would just be really cool to play a badass, you know?
OWF: The Walking Dead is an adaptation of a very successful graphic novel - are there any other graphic novel adaptations or comic book movies that you€™d like to have a part in?
Emma Bell: I have a very low level of knowledge about graphic novels and comic books so I wish that I could give you a more knowledgeable answer, but I guess that it would always be cool to play Supergirl or Poison Ivy.
OWF: If you were being attacked by flesh-eating zombies but could survive by sacrificing a body part: what would you rather lose?
Emma Bell: I would want to keep my legs and my feet so that I could walk, and I feel that I could probably get along OK like that, so probably a hand.
OWF: It€™s sometimes a struggle for the survivors in the show to find their next meal. What€™s the worst thing you€™ve ever had to eat out of hunger?
Emma Bell: Oh, well there was this little independent film I did a couple of years back, it was called Death and Love and, believe it or not, I was playing a Jewish girl in a concentration camp who was about to be experimented on by a German Doctor but they end up falling in love. Obviously it was a comedy€.For that role I lost 17lbs over a month and that was not an easy task, I will tell you. I was pretty much hungry all the time and that is a horrible feeling. I turned into a feral animal.
OWF: This interview is for a website and film blog called Obsessed with Film. Are there any films that you€™re obsessed with?
Emma Bell: Yes, yes, yes. My favourite films that I can watch over and over again are Edward Scissorhands- I love that film so much. The Princess Bride, Baz Luhrmann€™s Romeo and Juliet and Moulin Rouge. You know, I love The Lord of the Rings series and Dirty Dancing is a great one, ha, ha. But Edward Scissorhands is at the top of my list. It€™s my favourite movie of all time!
Be wary! The very next question in this interview is a big spoiler for the show, so if you haven't seen the first season of The Walking Dead yet (and honestly I don't think I want to know if you if that is true) then go out and buy the Blu-ray and then come back and read.... OWF: Which character would Amy the Zombie eat first?
Emma Bell: Oh wow! Um, well, if we€™re going by how we shot it then it would be her sister, coz she€™s right there, but if she could choose then she€™d go after Shane because he€™s the big man on camp. She€™s a girl zombie so she€™d go after the boy!
The Walking Dead is out on Blu-ray now. There's still a week left in our Walking Dead comp too if you want to win yourself a copy!