Iron Man 3 Begins Filming - Here's First Official Image

Marvel have released the first official production still from The Avengers follow-up.

By Matt Holmes /

Filming began on "Iron Man 3" today and Marvel have released the first official image (above) as Robert Downey Jr prepares to film a scene as Tony Stark, looking out at his vast array of Iron Man suits. The image isn't particularly all that revealing but anything we get from the first day of filming has to be an unexpected bonus. The first Marvel film post-"The Avengers" and the debut movie in "Phase Two" of the Marvel cinematic universe, "Iron Man 3" finds Downey Jr, Gwyneth Paltrow (Pepper Potts), Don Cheadle (Col. James Rhodes) and even Jon Favreau appearing as Happy Hogan, despite not acting as director on this film. Guy Pearce (as Dr. Aldrich Killian who creates the virus "Extremis") and Ben Kingsley (initially thought to be Mallen but now heavily rumoured to be The Mandarin in a 'shadowy villain' role that would setup a bigger part in a future movie) are the two main bad-guys. Rebecca Hall is Maya Hansen, a scientist working with Guy Pearce€™s villain. James Badge Dale has a role that could be a major one based on set spoiler pictures and William Sadler, Ashley Hamilton and Andy Lau are also on board. From what we've heard so far, lots to be excited about with "Iron Man 3" and with "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" helmer and "Lethal Weapon" screenwriter Shane Black behind the film, this could be something special. "Iron Man 3" is due May 3rd, 2013.