Is Ghostbusters The Most Disliked Movie Trailer Of All Time?

Over half a million dislikes force it to crack YouTube's 100 most hated videos.

By Matt Holmes /

Sony Pictures

It's fair to say that Paul Feig's Ghostbusters (July 15) remake hasn't exactly wowed the internet from the moment of its inception to the putrid trailers that have littered multiplexes in the past few weeks.


A movie with the privilege of having Ghostbusters in the title should have people excited but this one is a turnoff of the highest order... and the backlash against the film is deafening.

ScreenCrush noted this week that the Ghostbusters remake trailer that was first released in March has now become the most disliked trailer in the history of YouTube.


Over 560,000 dislikes have been registered from YouTube users pissed at the putrid reel Sony put in front of them - that's enough people to make the trailer rank in YouTube's Top 100 Most Disliked videos ever, the first film trailer to ever crack it.

Here's the trailer causing outrage everywhere;


Studying the numbers and the huge disparity between dislikes and views since the the first trailer was released last month, ScreenCrush believes internet pitchforking against the movie to make sure it ends up with the highest number of dislikes possible is to blame... and it's working.

Of course the main source of hate has been firmly directed at Sony Pictures for greenlighting a Ghostbusters movie with an all-female cast that folk have already pegged as a Bridesmaids with proton packs but this would pigeon-hole the hate and forgive the absolutely dreadful trailer that was unleashed on us in March which should still account for many of those dislikes (it sure did mine).


Did you dislike the Ghostbusters trailer on YouTube? Are you one of the half million people?