Is Sean Connery in the Indiana Jones IV script?

By Matt Holmes /

The news from Slash Film is that Sean Connery has not yet agreed to come out of retirement for Indiana Jones IV but his character of Indy's father IS included in the script.
We have a script with him in it,€ Lucas told Reuters. €œIf he doesn€™t do it, we€™ll do a quick rewrite.€
Which indicates to me that his role isn't all that substantial, if they can easily do a "quick rewrite" and be done with it. If I was Connery, I would only come out of retirement if his role is an important one in the flick because otherwise you have wasted your come back movie for a couple of one-liners here and there. You can only come out of retirement once otherwise people stop believing your actually done with movies, so if he does come back... he has to make sure this is the right role for him. We've heard shooting is still set to begin next month....which sounds so weird. Indiana Jones filming in 2007, who would have thought it?