Is The Flash In Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice?

Costume Designer hints at a "glimpse" of hero in the film.

By Dan Woburn /

Well, that was quick - just days after the trailer hit we have more Batman V Superman news; costume designer Michael Wilkinson has seemingly confirmed the addition of Ezra Miller's The Flash to Dawn Of Justice. Speaking with Portuguese site Omelette, Wilkinson said that "I€™m not really at the liberty to talk about The Flash right now, but it€™s something that you€™ll be seeing in the future in our films. You do get a glimpse of him, of course, in Batman v Superman." BvS was always looking fairly crowded with cameos - Aquaman and Cyborg are said to appear - let alone the inclusion of Wonder Woman, who seems to have a fairly big part, but after much speculation is seems Barry Allen (surely?) will indeed pop up. Ultimately I think it'll just be distracting, a kind of pop culture show of force on the studio's part; a bit like "Hey, never mind that other superhero cinematic universe! Check out who we have!" It is their prerogative, I suppose, and fans (myself included) will legitimately be excited to see The Flash and all the others on screen, so it kinda makes sense, I guess. Although Ezra Miller feels like more of a Wally West-type to me, Wilkinson seems enthused about his casting as Barry Allen.
"...I€™m really looking forward to taking the amazing, iconic costume for The Flash and interpreting it in a fresh way where Ezra Miller is playing The Flash... He€™s an extraordinary performer, he has a sort of interesting sense of humour and the youth that will be great for Barry Allen and I think he€™s going to make a great Flash."
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice will be released on 25th March 2016.