Is THE MUTANT CHRONICLES suppose to look cheap?

New images from next year's cult movie that is yet to find a cult audience.

By Matt Holmes /

The Mutant Chronicles is one of those movies that you would think would be getting big Internet coverage but the truth is, no-one seems to give two shits about it. Starring Thomas Jane, John Malkovich, Ron Perlman and Devon Aoki the movie is a futursitic sci-fi yarn set in the 23rd century where a soldier must fight against an underworld of NecroMutants. I mean it has the kind of cast that you would think would generate something of a fanboy offering. You have Hellboy, Deadly Little Miho, the Punisher and John Malkovich. Where is the love? The Mutant Chronicles is actually based on a role-playing video game, which might explain why the following stills from the movie found over at Worst Previews look so bad and cheap like. Is director Simon Hunter going for the video game like feel?


