Is This The Batwing From THE DARK KNIGHT RISES?

Possible SPOILER! New image from the Pittsburgh set of the next Batman movie might show his latest wonderful toy!

By Matt Holmes /

The Dark Knight Rises? Rumours have been persistent since way before filming began on Chris Nolan's final Batman movie that a new vehicle would be introduced in the film and I guess it's something we expected as these movies continue to evolve and grow on screen (tumbler in Batman Begins, bat-pod in The Dark Knight Rises), basically a new vehicle per movie. The shot above was taken by Ross Petrocelli who snapped the vehicle going through the Wabash Tunnel in Pittsburgh and basically looks like the tumbler with wings and it's tough to work out whether it's just an addition to the Batmobile or a new vehicle entirely. What say you? Additionally, news emerged from Batman on Film yesterday that one location from the forthcoming filming stint in the fall in New York City includes the Queensboro Bridge. An epic Bane vs. Batman fight on a bridge? Wouldn't it be cool to see Bane chuck Batman off the bridge after breaking his back?
