It's about time we had another casting rumor for JLA

Rookie actor Andy Whitfield is the first name in a while linked with the big budget superhero ensemble.

By Matt Holmes /

It's been a good number of weeks since we last had a casting rumor for the Justice League of America movie, so it's about time we had something to talk about. Moviehole have heard that Andy Whitfield, the star of the low budget Australian film Gabriel is wanted by George Miller for an unspecified role in the JLA...


The word comes from a source that should know, Shane Abbess. The writer/producer and director of Whitfield's debut fil which opens on the 15th in Australia. According to Whitfield's nice resume on IMDB, he is keen on martial arts, surfing and soccer and is 6 feet and can play characters aged between 27 and 35 (I can't find his real age, presumably somewhere in the middle). His resume also states he is 'unwilling to work unpaid'. Which is nice to know. He would get big bucks to play Batman or Superman of course but this is very much rumor at this point. Could be Abbess is just putting his name in the mix to promote his new film. If this film is still getting made, then concrete casting should start to flood in soon.