It's official - J.J. Abrams is helming Star Trek XI

By Matt Holmes /

It's to no-one's suprise today that J.J. Abrams has officially been annouced today as the director of Star Trek XI. We've known of his involvement as being the producer on the flick for months now and we all suspected he would be helming, but today is the first time this has officially been annouced. The interesting news is that the release date of the film is now being mentioned as 2009 rather than 2008, with IGN speculating that this could be because of script delays. The writing duo Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtman (who wrote Abram's Mission Impossible III and Alias along with Michael Bay's The Transfomers) are said to be two months behind on handing in the finished script. This is what Viacom CEO Philippe Dauman said whilst confirming Abrams' as director... "We're revitalizing in a new and interesting way," I'm not going to lie to you folks, I'm extremely worried about the state of Star Trek. It's pretty much common knowledge that a "prequel" is the route that Abrams is expected to take and I just think it's so wrong. Why do a prequel? It makes no sense. Star Trek is about the future and moving forward, I don't want to see a young Captain Kirk or a young Spock and McCoy in the Starfleet Academy. Just get a bunch of talented, mostly unknown actors together, get a new Enterprise ship and set it after the Picard years and there you have it. Don't do this prequel crap because you pigeon yourselves into a hole that you can't get out of in future movies. The show Enterprise didn't survive the prequel route. I thought Mission Impossible III was a really fun and fast paced flick but I don't want to see that in Star Trek. Nor do I wanna see an "Alias in Space". It's not just about the action, it needs a good story filled with interesting characters which all get a credible amount of screentime, which I think Abrams has neglected before in the past. Star Trek can't get away with being a 90% mindless action movie which only shows glimmers of intelligence. Maybe I'm being harsh on Abrams because MI:III was tons of fun, but I would rather see the Star Trek flick slow down a little, but not as much as the snail pace of Lost. source - chud, ign