J.J. Abrams teases Klingons in STAR TREK deleted scene

Abrams' Klingons are softly spoken, calm and dare we say... eloquent?

By Matt Holmes /

J.J. Abrams continues to tease us with a glimpse into what the new version of The Klingonswill look like once they inevitably become a frequent staple of the new Star Trek franchise. My guess is that we'll see the Klingons fully realised in the next Trek movie, probably as the main villains but for now all we can go on is this deleted scene from this summer's blockbuster hit. Under that make-up and mask is Alias actor Victor Garber, officially the first Klingon in the new Trek franchise. The scene is a re-tooling of many Trek integrations, probably most reminiscent of a famous scene from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, where a disgusting slug is promised to be placed in the skull of Eric Bana's Romulan Nero unless he spills everything. Hardcore Star Trek geeks might notice that the interrogation takes place on Rura Penthe, the prison that featured Kirk & McCoy in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Star Trek - DVD Bonus Footage | Movies & TV | SPIKE.com You can certainly see why the scene was cut from the finished movie as it's an easy removal for what needed to be a pretty tight blockbuster and it allows Abrams to really sit down and think about how he wants to showcase The Klingons in all their glory. After all, he keeps them under mask here so he's obviously uncertain, and this scene was probably a last minute afterthought anyway... but I am very much in favour of the softly spoken, calm, dare we say it eloquent Klingons.
