Jack Black remakes Ghostbusters, Robocop & 2001?

By Matt Holmes /


I want to like Michel Gondry as a film-maker. I really do. I like the themes he plays with, I just wish he would relax a little with his story telling. I'm desperate to fully get involved with his films but I keep felling myself zoning out when he goes off on a visual tangent. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and The Science of Sleep were movies that I really wanted to like but his style stopped me from doing so everytime. I like the ideas behind both movies (The Science of Sleep on a whole actually works better for me) but not how they were made. That brings me onto his next movie Be Kind Rewind which stars Jack Black and Mos Def. Finally it looks like Gondry is just out to tell us a straight forward story, from beginning... middle... to end. This looks like some funny stuff right here and I'm dying to see what other movies they remake when all the video tapes in their rental store are destroyed! Don't know what I'm talking about but your interested for more.... CLICK HERE TO SEE THE TRAILER