James Cameron's TITANIC returns to cinemas in 3D in 2012

By Arvindh /

celebrating actress Gloria Stuart€™s 100th birthday, L.A. Times has confirmed that Titanic will make a cinematic comeback in 2012, and in 3D!James Cameron is €œconverting the blockbuster into 3-D for re-release in April 2012, the 100th anniversary of the ship€™s sinking." Of course the pivotal question at this point is just how exactly will the pioneer of the new 3D wave do justice to his own film, by only having the ability to turn Titanic into a 3D extravaganza via the dreaded post-production conversion process? Yes, it IS Cameron and his track record with the technology is incredible, but even then he isn't re-shooting Titanic, so there are major limitations to this project. Limitations that Cameron himself will know, having denounced the post-production process as inferior to shooting with the specialised camera's at least a dozen times. Though he has given himself two years to get it right, so maybe he can manage it? I'm sure a lot of girls, and the older movie-goer would love seeing Titanic in 3D. As too the generation who were too young to enjoy the movie first time around and will now have a chance to see it on the big cinema screen for the first time. I'm also sure a lot of admirers would like seeing Kate Winslet and certain, well, bits of the film in glorious 3D. But all I can think about is what part of Titanic really needs to have a dimension added to it? There's the tragic finale, and some scenes in between with scenic shots of the ship at sea, but what else? How awkward would it be to have Leo and Kate throw 3D spitballs at you during the "romantic spitting contest" sequence? "Wow, it almost feels as if it's hitting me in the eye!" Call me a skeptic, but classics like Titanic should be left to bask in the glory of their own time. I don't see anything in the movie that needs 3D treatment. I don't want Billy Zane's face popping out at me for a whole three hours.
