James Purefoy is SOLOMON KANE

Rejoice! A cool 16th century genre bending sci-fi franchise is set to begin, with James Purefoy in the lead role. This could be awesome...

By Matt Holmes /


The character is basically, a lot like how Hugh Jackman portrayed Van Helsing, in erm, VAN HELSING. Sommers also ripped off the look of the character as you can see from the image above of Kane and the one below of Helsing...


Michael J. Bassett who brought us the great idea that was World War II front-line, meets the horror genre with DEATHWATCH (although the film was shit) will write and direct this for several producers. A trilogy is hoped for but obviously the first film needs to be a success first, but if you ask me this has all the potential to be a really cool series. So whilst Millennium keep the search on for a new CONAN, this will have to keep us occupied for the time being. Purefroy is a cool actor, who IMO would have been far more suited to THE PUNISHER role than his ROME co-star Ray Stevenson. I love this genre. I love swordsmen... the Dick Turpin & Tom King era...and with the promises of sci-fi, I think this just like the PRINCE OF PERSIA series has unlimited and untapped potential. This is right up my alley and could easily get into my top ten movies in production. Shame, the director ruined the great idea that was DEATHWATCH, but he's older and wiser now. Fingers crossed on this one... they got the casting spot on...



source - variety