Jennifer Lawrence Will At Least Be A Little Blue In X-Men: Apocalypse

She's put her foot down as to how long, though.

By Dan Woburn /

After much consternation from fans following a distinctly human-coloured Mystique appearing in last week's X-Men: Apocalypse trailer, Jennifer Lawrence has been approached about the subject and has revealed that she will indeed be decked out in the familiar blue scales for X-Men: Apocalypse. It just might not be for very long. Speaking with CinemaBlend, she said "I am blue in it, a little bit. I put my foot down as much as I could. they were very, very nice to me." Although it's fair play that someone wouldn't want to spend a ridiculous amount of hours sat in a chair to be painted blue, isn't it kind of what she signed up for in the first place? It's also fair that she can use her not-inconsiderable clout at the moment to make certain demands, but at the end of the day, she is being paid millions of dollars (one would assume). And the fact remains that the character is ostensibly proud of her mutant nature and f*cking blue. As long as they come up with a decent, character-based reason for a lack of blueness, I'm not overly fussed. If it makes sense for the movie, then it makes sense for the movie. Perhaps in the ten years between Days Of Future Past and Apocalypse, Raven has decided to assimilate, and in doing so this may inform her white-hat X-Men affiliation in the film...? That sounds perfectly reasonable to me. X-Men: Apocalypse is released on 19 May 2016 in the UK and 27 May in the US.