Jessica Simpson is a Major Movie Star!

By Matt Holmes /

Oh God this movie sounds horrible. Variety are reporting that Jessica Simpson will star in the comedy flick Major Movie Star for Lake Placid and the upcoming Day of the Dead director Steve Miner.
Shooting starts next month in Louisiana with the pic centering on a pampered star who decides to enlist in the Marines to win approval from a producer and a studio who considers her unsuitable for an upcoming military-themed pic. Upon arriving at Camp Pendleton, she realizes she's made a mistake but decides to persist so she won't let her country down.
Oh dear. The sad thing is, she is a profitable actress at the moment. The Dukes of Hazzard, her terrible film debut was a financial success as was her second movie Employee of the Month last year. Next month her third film Blonde Ambition is released, which heavily promotes Simpson as it's lead, as you can see from the poster on the left. It will be interesting to see how that goes down at the Box Office as it's totally been sold on her name alone.