John Carney heading to the Town House

By Matt Holmes /

The 2007 Sundance Award winning director John Carney will helm his first studio based film Town House as his next feature. The movie based on a novel by Tish Cohen has been adapted into a scripted comedy from Doug Wright for Fox 2000 says Variety.
Story revolves around the son of a dead rock legend who has managed to live as a recluse by slowly selling off his dad's memorabilia. But he runs out of things to sell and is forced to sell the townhouse his father left him. The imminent sale forces the man to come to terms with himself and his role as a father to a teenage son.
I've always wondered what it must be like to be the son of a rich and famous person. Would you force yourself to work when it's easy to just live off the royalties like Hugh Grant in About a Boy? Selling your dad's memorabilia though sounds a little despicable and I guess that's the point of the film, exploring the lost relationship between the father and son. This could be good and Carney's award winning film Once is seriously getting some great reviews from everyone whose seen it.