The dark screwball comedy centers on Ozzie Cox (Malkovich), a former CIA agent who loses the disc of the memoir he is writing. McDormand will play Cox's philandering wife. Clooney is set to play an assassin. Because the screenplay is being kept under wraps, it is unclear what Pitt's character will be.
I don't know what it is about the Coen Brothers, I never get excited for any of their movies. Miller's Crossing is the only film from their back catalogue I can honestly say I enjoyed, the rest I either felt indifferent too, didn't like or just plain hated. And I've never seen a Coen Brothers movie in the cinema. Is the thought of a movie with the pairing of Pitt/Clooney/Malkovich enough to change that? Maybe. It's certainly got more potential as a movie I could enjoy over anything else they have shot in the last ten years. Shooting is scheduled to begin in August.