Josh Schwartz... creator of GOSSIP GIRL.. is writing new X-MEN prequel!

At this point, who isn't writing an X-Men movie?

By Matt Holmes /

They say that a film franchise has completely ran it's course when the only route of progression is for prequels and spin-offs rather than real sequels. If that is truly the case then the X-Men franchise is in real trouble. Wolverine hits next year... last we heard David Goyer was in charge of a Magneto spin-off... Zak Penn is apparently writing a Young X-Men movie and now comes word from Josh Schwartz (creator of Gossip Girl, Chuck and The O.C.) that he is the latest scribe to get in on the act!

Or is he just picking up where Penn left off? Apparently his movie will center on teenage characters at the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning...
€œI€™m very well aware that I€™ll be bludgeoned by purists, but I love its mythology, and it comes with a pretty hefty paycheck,€ Schwartz told Black Book Magazine. €œIt€™s not like I€™m adding new characters like Toaster Head, or anything like that. The Hulk looks like it€™s going to be terrible. And why does he look like he€™s fighting against the monster from Cloverfield? I mean, with Transformers, it€™s not like fans were going to come back saying, €˜You used the wrong car.€™ This, however, is a different story.€
The O.C. with superhero powers? Worrying. The X-Men franchise is in a bit of a flux right now. I think there's lots of life let in the series but I'm less excited about all these spin-offs (though a Wolverine movie could kick ass, the script I read - though it's likely to be changed - was horrible). I would prefer a nice continuing series like the Harry Potter flicks which grow and grow, adding a few new characters here and there, and trying a different kind of plot each time. source - /film