JURASSIC PARK 4 is extinct

By Matt Holmes /

You know a dinosaur franchise has run it's course when the best idea they could come up with for the next installment is giving them missiles and forming an army to take over the U.S. That was once the proposed idea for a JURRASSIC PARK 4 and thank God Steven Spielberg canned that idea before it got to far. But then it could have been worse I suppose. He could have introduced aliens to this franchise. Or maybe he was saving that for number 5? According to producers Frank Marshall and Kathleen Kennedy, the franchise is now extinct... (via Coming Soon)...

"No... I don't know. You know, when Crichton passed away, I sorta felt maybe that's it. Maybe that's a sign that we don't mess with it."
Not only that but I would say the death of visual effects icon Stan Winston must also play it's part in this decision. But can a franchise ever really be dead, especially one without an aging lead like this one?