Jurassic World 2 Gets Transformers Style Subtitle, Is Now Called Fallen Kingdom

The sequel also has a poster and a very familiar tagline.

By James Hunt /

Universal Pictures

Life finds a way of continuing to give big franchise sequels dumb subtitles, with the latest case being Jurassic World 2.


Revealed today by Universal Pictures, the follow-up to 2015's mega-hit is now called Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. It's essentially just a straightforward twist on 'The Lost World', so much so the makers might as well have just Googled synonyms for 'Lost' and 'World'.

It also sounds a lot like a Transformers movie, and brings Jurassic in line with that franchise and Pirates of the Caribbean in having silly subtitles, but nonetheless likely making serious money.


Not a lot is known about the plot of the movie so far, but we do know that both Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard are reprising their roles from the first movie, which took $1.6bn at the box office.

Also back is Jurassic Park's Jeff Goldblum as Dr Ian Malcolm, though World director Colin Trevorrow isn't returning. Directing this one instead is J.A. Bayona, director of The Impossible and A Monster Calls.


To go with the new title, a new poster has also been unveiled, which is in keeping with the typical Jurassic Park iconography, and a rather familiar sounding tagline: Life Finds A Way.


The movie arrives on June 22, 2018 in the United States, with the U.K. getting it a couple of weeks earlier on June 7.