Justice League: 9 Biggest Mistakes It's Already Made

It runs for how long!?

By Mark Langshaw /

Zack Snyder is a man with a point to prove, a filmmaker determined to convince the world that he's learned from his mistakes in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.


That much is clear after watching the trailers for the upcoming Justice League, which is seemingly a far cry from the joyless superhero smackdown he delivered in 2016.

Bringing Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg and Superman together on the big screen for the first time, Snyder's team-up project appears to take its tonal cues from the more optimistic (and successful) Marvel Cinematic Universe, with gags and banter supplementing explosive action sequences.

The Man of Steel director has promised fans that Justice League will be a radically different beast to his previous efforts, but regardless of whether you believe DC Comics' greatest heroes are in safe hands, the fans still have cause for concern.

Justice League does appear to be swerving the many pitfalls of Batman v Superman, yet in doing so it's plunging head-first into some new ones, and here are the nine biggest mistakes the movie has made so far.

9. It's All A Bit Rushed

Marvel Studios spent years organically building a cinematic universe, and when it all came together so beautifully in Joss Whedon's first Avengers film, Warner Bros' DC Comics arm sprung into action with the momentum of Barry Allen.


The studio's top brass were determined to play catch-up on Disney and after kicking Man of Steel out of its gates, its attempt at overnight world-building in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice smacked of 'me too'.

Warner Bros and Zack Snyder would probably tell you they intended to do it this way all along, but Justice League's hasty assembly presents a number of issues.

In the case of Iron Man, Marvel had two films to introduce the character and show us what makes in tick before Avengers arrived, and many of his super-powered teammates were afforded at least one solo outing.

DC has no such luxury with The Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg, and as a result, much of their development will be sacrificed; so it's difficult picturing them as anything other than secondary to DC's holy trinity of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman.

This is what happens when you rush into cinematic universe creation. Take heed, Dark Universe.
