Justice League: The Snyder Cut - What The Cast And Crew Have Said About It

How much do you trust Jason Momoa?

By Danny Meegan /



This November will mark three years since superhero team-up Justice League hit cinemas, and in that time, director Zack Snyder's unreleased, alternate version of the movie has become one of the hottest topics within the film fan community.

Snyder left the project in May 2017 after being hit with a terrible family tragedy, and as a result, Marvel Cinematic Universe veteran Joss Whedon was brought in to guide the film over the finish line, performing some extensive reshoots along the way.

However, before leaving, Snyder had already shot pretty much everything that he wanted to shoot. This means that footage from his "Snyder Cut" is definitely real, even though it's unlikely that there's a special effects-complete, colour graded, scored, and coherently-edited version of his movie just lying on a shelf somewhere.

Or is there?

Because that raw footage does exist, the cast and crew who helped bring it to life are all uniquely positioned to talk about the Snyder Cut: what state it's currently in, whether it should be released, and how it compares to Whedon's theatrical cut.

And so, we've gathered up some of their comments! Here's what some of Justice League's major creative players have said about the mythical Snyder Cut...

8. Ben Affleck: "I Do Think Zack's Cut Should Be Available"

Aside from Ezra Miller (who hasn't made any notable public comments about the Snyder Cut) Ben Affleck has been the least-vocal cast member on this topic, which is understandable considering that he's spent the last several years trying to distance himself from his Batman role.


However, he hasn't been totally silent. In November 2019 - the two-year anniversary of Justice League's release - he sent out a tweet that read "#ReleaseTheSnyderCut", showing his support for the director's complete vision.

Then, just this year, he discussed the Snyder Cut situation in a bit more detail.

While talking to CinemaBlend to promote his recent movie, The Way Back, the actor once again supported the release of Snyder's version of Justice League, saying that it "should be available" for fans to watch:

"I do think that movie, you know, having two directors is a very weird thing. And for Justice League, the director [Snyder] had a family tragedy... and so you have a kind of cow’s body with a horse’s head a little bit with two directors a lot of times, for better or for worse. I do think Zack’s cut should be available."

Again, Affleck seems intent on distancing himself from the Batman role, so he's one of the people who's least-likely to have any new Snyder Cut information to share.
