Justice League WILL Include Green Lantern After All

The Corps might be coming sooner than anyone thought.

By Simon Gallagher /

DC Comics

So far, talk of the upcoming Green Lantern Corps project has been mostly limited to rumours and teases that Armie Hammer might be involved in some way. It's understandable, of course, given that the film isn't set for release until 2020 and there's a lot of water to pass under the bridge by then.


But it seems there might be call for Lantern fans to get excited before then after all, as "ace scooper" Umberto Gonzalez of The Wrap, who has a track record of about 30% (which is not at all terrible in the current market), says Zack Snyder will be including a Green Lantern in Justice League.

That comes counter to the established theory that Green Lantern wouldn't play any part until his stand-alone, no matter how hard fans shouted protested about it. Gonzalez says the character will have a "funny sounding name", so presumably won't be a human member of the Corps, unless he's just playing everyone. Hal Jordan might sound funny to someone, after all...


As ever, pinches of salt all round, but it'd be interesting to see Warner Bros pull the trigger on Green Lantern early all the same.

Who do you want to play Green Lantern in the forthcoming film? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.
