Katy Perry 3D: The Dad-Friendly Cut

Someone has just made it a lot easier for chaperoning Dads to enjoy the Katy Perry movie

By Simon Gallagher /

When Katy Perry 3D is released this weekend to UK cinemas, a lot of men are going to be forced to watch it as their daughters (and in some cases wives and girlfriends) need someone to take them to the cinema. And no-one likes to sit in the car outside and wait for 2 hours, no matter what the film is. There must be a solution, some form of atonement for those forced to watch the quirky songstress doing her thing to make it a tolerable experience To ease the supposed pain of seeing the movie (not something I can empathise with, actually), Youtuber Jordan Morris has come up with his own alternative cut of the film, with a distinctly more adult approach, just for the Dads in the audience. All terribly tongue-in-cheek, but still hilarious, and absolutely nailed on for certain male audience members. http://youtu.be/zfE--tNcK-4 Personally, I plan on seeing Katy Perry 3D so I can see the heart-warming "rags to riches" tale of realising dreams and reaching out to millions of young fans while staying true to yourself. Not even a hint of sarcasm, believe it or not. Perry puts on a good show, and I don't care who knows it. Still, concert movies... hard not to be a teensy bit cynical about the motives. Katy Perry 3D is released in Uk cinemas this weekend. Why not so it as double-header with The Amazing Spider-Man. Or you could really do yourself a favour and see Killer Joe. It's a busy week. Now, where can I get myself some of those glasses...?