Kenneth Branagh is directing THOR!

By Matt Holmes /

Marvel, what the hell are you doing? You don't trust Matthew Vaughn, one of the obviously uber talented young directors we have today whose stunning movies LAYER CAKE and STARDUST showed a real artist who one day will hit it big with a massive movie (i.e. Chris Nolan with BATMAN BEGINS), the only reason his two movies so far haven't is the studio's terrible marketing campaigns... But you trust Kenneth Branagh! Kenneth Branagh! KENNETH BRANAGH! Variety say it's almost a done deal, Branagh is being trusted with the $100 million+ Summer tentpole THOR, only his second big budget action movie after the admittedly great HENRY V in 1989. You know, don't get me wrong. Branagh is no Ratner. I've always thought of him as a terrific actor and I love the Shakespeare works he has both directed and acted in but his big budget attempt at FRANKENSTEIN he turned into a over dramatic camp reinactment, one of the most disappointing projects of the 90's and he directed the worst serious movie of 2007 with his remake of SLEUTH. Which was so awful, it's beyond comprehension. It's not the young, hungry, exciting director we had hoped for. It's not the Matt Vaughn, the Zack Snyder or the D.J. Caruso. It's instead a mediocre dramatic helmer, who hasn't made a good film in over a decade.
