Kevin Munroe & Sammo Hung to WAR MONKEYS

By Matt Holmes /

Kevin Munroe (TMNT) is in talks to direct WAR MONKEYS, an original horror movie setup at Dark Horse Indie which he himself describes as if "Quentin Tarantino made GREMLINS". The movie follows two guys trapped down in an underground facility research base with military-trained Rhesus monkeys. The Hollywood Reporter say Sammo Hung, a veteran of the Hong Kong kung fu scene, is in talks to play a janitor who battles the rabid simians.

"It's real horror with real scary elements. You've got real monsters here with the monkeys. But the characters are a modern day Abbott and Costello. In the same vein of Shaun of the Dead but scarier. Monkeys creep me out. They're so human-like and you never know what they're thinking. But these military-trained monkeys. For me, it's not just about the ability to carry a gun, but I love the idea of monkeys coming together to accomplish a goal. Part of it is we're naming them to give them identifiable features, whenever you can get personalities in there, it's going to be fun."
The monkeys will be a combination of real monkeys, animatronic puppets and CGI. As any long time OWF reader knows, we are made about GREMLINS here and will name drop the cult favourite in any interview opportunity we get, so it goes without saying WAR MONKEYS is a movie we will be tracking. Munore will work with writer Cleve Nettles to re-write a new draft for the movie which will be shot early 2009 after he has directed DEAD OF NIGHT for Hyde Park and Plantium Dunes according to Shock Till You Drop.
