Kevin Smith calls WATCHMEN, "Fucking Astounding"!

Says it's like SIN CITY times three!

By Matt Holmes /

Writer/director/actor and all round comic book geek Kevin Smith says he is fortunate enough to be one of the few to have seen a rough but feature length screening of Zack Snyder's Watchmen and was all praise, comparing it to be as closely related to the comic book as Sin City.

€œI saw Watchmen. It€™s fucking astounding. The Non-Disclosure Agreement I signed prevents me from saying much, but I can spout the following with complete joygasmic enthusiasm: Snyder and Co. have pulled it off. Remember that feeling of watching Sin City on the big screen and being blown away by what a faithful translation of the source material it was, in terms of both content and visuals? Triple that, and you€™ll come close to watching Watchmen. Even Alan Moore might be surprised at how close the movie is to the book. March can€™t come soon enough.€
That statement certainly gives us that little push for extra hope. I know a lot of you loved the first trailer we saw a good number of weeks back but I wasn't completely blown away by it... probably putting the graphic novel on such a pedestal that this film adaptation could never compete. But if there was one film adaptation of a graphic novel that completely lived up to what I thought it would on the big screen it was Sin City, one of the most faithfully adapted comic book films in history. If this movie comes anywhere close to that, yet alone surpass it three times over - then Snyder has hit the jackpot! source - /film, myspace