Kevin Smith talks "Horror"

By Matt Holmes /

Kevin Smith mentioned a couple of weeks ago that the next movie he will be shooting will be a horror movie! Here are some quotes from an interview with Moviehole.... "No jokes and stuff, not like Scary Movie 4. There are people that do that really well, like Edgar Wright with Shaun of the Dead, but I don't want to make a comedic one, I want to make a straight-forward horror movie"."It'll be a bit of slasher, but I'm kinda looking more at € you remember that movie Race With The Devil? It's more kind of in that vein. Or Wicker Man. Something in that vein where it's creepy and unsettling more than gore" I'm glad that Smith is moving away from the comedy genre that he has stayed in for over ten years now. I've only ever liked Chasing Amy out of all the movies he has made, but I think Smith is a great personality for the film industry and is such a funny guy! I would love to see him tackle horror, and i'm suprised he isn't going for a comedy spoof style like I was expecting. It's all good though because the last thing we need is another Scary Movie type film. source - moviehole, filmstalker