Kevin Smith Wants Matt Damon & Ben Affleck For HIT SOMEBODY

By Neil Upton /

With the furor of Red State's auction at Sundance just about dying down, filmmaker Kevin Smith is starting to talk again. This time it's not exclusively through his Twitter or his Smodcast outlet as has been his preference of late. In a seemingly lighter and friendlier tone, he chose to talk to MTV about his upcoming venture into horror and started to lift the lid on his supposed final film as a director, Hit Somebody and of course being Kevin Smith he had a lot to say. With a script only half complete and already running at about 110 pages long, Smith describes Hit Somebody as his €œlove letter to Canada and hockey€. The story is inspired by a Warren Zevon song and will take place between the 1950's and 1980's, following a hockey player who wasn€™t blessed with the talent to be in the NHL on merit but is really good at beating people up on the ice, and is selected as the team€™s goon. Smith is touting this as essentially a story about his career in film and he wants it to be stuffed to the gills with cameos. First on his appearance list appear to be old Smith hands Matt Damon and Ben Affleck.

Smith Says;
"They€™re all coming back. It€™s like The Muppet Movie. you€™ve got your core cast, and then a zillion cameos€ It€™s going to sum everything up. We€™ll have a team in Boston, and who do you think I€™m going to call? Both of those dudes."
Well, it seems we know the core cast already, ostensibly his Red State players. Smith also wants a studio to stump up around $15 million for the project. So what happened to this indie spirit, DIY, take it on tour approach that Smith was so enamoured with at Sundance. Well, that's so two weeks ago and with a $15 million movie about Canada & hockey spanning a period from the 50s to the 80s which by early estimates is running at about 3 hours long, he's gonna need a strong backer. He'll need every famous face he can get hold of for a studio to go with it and he's not as lovable as those Muppets. Other topics covered during the interview include his rebuttal to the film blogging worlds reaction after his Sundance Red State auction stunt, his love for Seth Rogen and again re-iterating that HIT SOMEBODY WILL BE HIS LAST FILM.